LoGenda, a calendar program searchable for all appointments, both oncoming and gone by.
LoGenda is a free calendar, alarm clock and diary program. Its main features are:
- Planning appointments with repeats of the appointments and repeats of the alarm signal for the appointments.
- Searching in the text of all appointments for text strings.
- Retaining texts of expired appointments.
- Scrolling easily through the calendar of a complete year, both to the future and to the past.
- Adding text to old items to record the results of an appointment and adding new items to a day in the past.
- The possibility to categorise the appointments in 4 classes: standard, important, reminders and anniverseries.
- Starting a program at a predetermined time.
- Printing the survey of all appointments for a day or a week.
- Saving your calendar data on your own computer so that the Facebooks and Googles of the world cannot pry into your appointments.
Logenda is developed for Ubuntu Linux. It can also be used in other Linux versions.
If you have any questions about Logenda, wants to report a bug or have a proposal for an improvement of LoGenda, mail to:
©Nelly van der Hoeven, 2018, Ecostat